Saturday, 6 June 2015

PDF⋙ Faith (The Jovian Gate Chronicles) (Volume 1) by Ron Vitale

Faith (The Jovian Gate Chronicles) (Volume 1) by Ron Vitale

Faith (The Jovian Gate Chronicles) (Volume 1)

Faith (The Jovian Gate Chronicles) (Volume 1) by Ron Vitale PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Hundreds of years in the future, Jacob, chased by the alien warrior race of Lan'khamires, is off the grid, searching for a mysterious woman named Phoebe who once helped him many years ago. His love for her has never faded and, in vain, he continues to look for her. Traveling from the moon to Mars while being hunted, Jacob only knows that he must find the woman he loves no matter the cost. Meanwhile Phoebe, Cinderella's daughter and a powerful witch like her mother, searches for a cure for her mother's mysterious illness. A rare Chronicler able to travel through time, Phoebe left the 19th century only to become trapped far in the future. A future in which humankind has not only traveled to distant stars by discovering the Jovian Gate, but she has also become embroiled in a conflict between the peaceful Cancrian race and the warrior-like Lan'khamires. Out of her element and time, Phoebe stumbles upon an interstellar conspiracy that threatens not only her life and those around her, but of the entire human race. Faith is the first book in The Jovian Gate Chronicles series.

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