Thursday, 22 May 2014

PDF⋙ Smoke Signals (Tulsa Thunderbirds Book 2) (Volume 2) by Catherine Gayle

Smoke Signals (Tulsa Thunderbirds Book 2) (Volume 2) by Catherine Gayle

Smoke Signals (Tulsa Thunderbirds Book 2) (Volume 2)

Smoke Signals (Tulsa Thunderbirds Book 2) (Volume 2) by Catherine Gayle PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

USA Today bestselling author Catherine Gayle presents the second novel in the Tulsa Tunderbirds hockey romance series.

Growing up poor with a mother who would do anything—even sell her body—for him had a profound impact on Ray “Razor” Chambers. Playing pro hockey for the Tulsa Thunderbirds allows him the means to make sure she never needs to do anything like that again. It’s also given him the ability to have a good time when he wants to, which is often. Right now, for instance, he’s in Vegas because for his best buddy’s bachelor party…and Razor is always down to party.

Viktoriya Dubrovskaya has been studying ballet in California, but money is tight and there’s no help coming from home in Russia. She started making extra money as a dancer in a club, and that eventually led her to the adult film industry. Porn paid her well, but it stripped her of everything she was and all she wanted. She’s left the business behind, but it was already too late. Now she’s out of time, money, and options.

In desperation, Viktoriya makes herself available to Razor on the casino floor. There’s no chance he’ll take her up on what she’s selling, but he offers a counter-proposal—one involving a ring, a green card, and the chance to reclaim her body. It’s an opportunity she can’t pass up. For Viktoriya and Razor, learning to live together as husband and wife is as foreign as interpreting Smoke Signals, but where there’s smoke, there’s usually fire.

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